About to Invest in a UAS!
After careful consideration, and quite a bit of research I'm about to invest in a UAS (unmanned aerial system) or as many know them... a...
Sticker Shock! Don't Overspend on Your First 3D Printer.
Two recent articles highlighted on a well known 3D Printing news site compared the print results between a $725 consumer 3D printer and a...

Solar Powered LightNoodles?
What could be cooler than safe, usable, LED pool noodle swords? How about Solar Powered ones? Using inexpensive off the shelf LED...

3D Printer Demonstration Amazes, Educates FCTS Students
Just got around to posting the FCTS story detailing my presentation there in December. Check it out! 3dhttp://www.fcts.org/news/news1214....
Friction Welding & Cold Spray Additive Techniques
Testing friction welding some 3D prints with a Dremel today! Great method for quickly assembling parts without glue. A more advanced...

3D Printed Carport?
So for some time I've been wanting to build a very large format 3D printer out of a shipping container, that would use recycled PET...

3D Printed Edible MineCraft Figures
...so here's a concept that was introduced Friday during a High School AP Accounting Course. A group of students when tasked with writing...
Filament Extruder...
Thanks Filastruder! Onward to producing new materials! What if we could use this process to recycle clean plastic waste materials in...

Transparent Paddle Boards
...progress on the transparent paddle board. Note the scale, the production board will be over 10 feet long. The large solar panel on...

...catching up on work!
...trying to catch up on work and stay healthy. Let's see...yesterday I never made it to the gym but instead managed to: 1) Finish the...