Facility Upgrade!
The new D5S Mini's arrived late today! Good thing I installed the shelving earlier. Plenty of work going into the new year: 1) Finish...

3D Printed Virtual Reality Contact Lenses...
First 3D LED printer could print heads-up-display contact lenses! Researchers at Princeton University have developed a 3D printer that...
Fantastic Week!
Fantastic week! Delivered a light industrial 3D printer to a local company seeking to develop 3d printed products. Met with members of...

I should work for Intel!
Fixing bent CPU pins...with a microscope, xacto knife and steady hands. It works!!! I should work for Intel.

HYPER Hydrogel 3D Printing Pen
One value of precise electroplate deposition of materials like platinum can create extremely efficient surface areas useful for...

Franklin Tech Talk
Had a great time speaking to the students and faculty at Franklin County Technical School in Turners Falls, MA!